What To Do After Sauna Bathing?


What to do after a sauna session, when you feel all calm and relaxed? You’re likely warm and sweaty, your heart rate and blood pressure have dropped, and your muscles have been loosened up by the sauna's heat.

Let's not end the good vibes there. We've got some practical tips to keep you feeling great and make that post-sauna chill last even longer. Next to the "must-do's", we have listed some awesome self-care, relaxations and exercise ideas.

Ready to find out how to boost your well-being with these simple after-sauna steps?

Primary Post-Sauna Ritual

Both for your safety and to get the full wellness perks from your infrared sauna time, we highly recommended certain practices:


Drink plenty of water especially after your sauna session. It is also advisable to drink before and during. The infrared sauna heat causes you to sweat and lose fluids, so refilling your body's water supply is crucial.

You can lose as much as a pint of water in only twenty minutes in a sauna, so be sure to replenish what you lose. You can make your own drinks too; check out our recipes here.


Cool down

A proper cooling down after the sauna is prudent. In the sauna, your blood vessels dilate and your heart rate increases. Cooling down helps your body safely return to its normal state. This step prevents dizziness and stabilizes your circulation.

You can do this by taking a (cool) shower, or you can gradually bring your body temperature back to normal by resting for 10-15 minutes. Whether you prefer a quick, cold shower for a faster cooldown, or a more gradual approach with some rest time, listen to your body and do what works best for you.


Cleanse your skin, wash away toxins. The temperature of the shower, cold or warm, is up to your personal preference. Read more about this invigorating ritual in our detailed article on ‘Sauna and shower’.


Take time to relax after your sauna session. This is an integral part of the detox process, easing your transition back to daily life.

Monitor Your Body

If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or overly tired after sauna, you need to slow down. Extend your cooling down time, rest more, and hydrate. Your body's telling you it needs more time to adjust. Listen and give it the care it needs for a speedy recovery.



After your infrared sauna, your body and mind are in deep relaxation. The perfect time for easy, gentle activities that nurture this peaceful state. Explore, experiment, and find what serves you best:

Selfcare rituals

Restful Sleep

The increase in your body temperature due to the sauna has a soothing effect on your muscles, which will help you sleep faster and deeper. This could be a power nap to recharge or you could make an infrared sauna session part of your nightly routine for a deeper sleep.

Post-Sauna Refreshment

Refresh yourself with one of the after sauna drinks we've selected for you. Pair your drink with a light, easy-to-digest snack. This combo not only quenches thirst and satisfies hunger but also restores the balance of nutrients in your body.

It's a nurturing ritual that replenishes electrolytes, vitamins and proteins.

Relaxing Bubble Bath

While you might be warmed up from the sauna, a pleasant bath can be a tranquil way to cool down gradually.


Skin Care Ritual

After your shower, it’s time to pamper your skin. Start with a soft cleanse. Consider an exfoliating process that helps unveil your skin’s true radiance, and reveal a smoother, naturally glowing complexion. Finally, deeply hydrate your skin.

Use moisturizers and nourishing oils to replenish moisture and nutrients.

Relaxation rituals

After an unwinding infrared sauna session, engage your mind and spirit with activities that induce tranquility and creativity.


Use essential oils or scented candles to broaden the effects of your sensory destressing and rejuvenation.


This is a great way to reflect on your day or the thoughts and feelings that may have surfaced during your sauna session.

Listen to Music

Choose soothing or ambient music to continue the relaxing atmosphere. Smooth music has a calming effect on humans, and slow-tempo rhythms may encourage a peaceful, thoughtful mindset.

Music, among other things, helps to alleviate anxiety and depression. You may also combine your sauna session with sound therapy.

Drawing or Painting

Engaging in a creative activity of mindfulness, like drawing or painting can be very calming and a good way to express yourself after some time in the meditative surroundings of an infrared sauna.


Sky Watching

This can be a peaceful activity, especially in the evening as a way to unwind further.

Exercise rituals 

Saunas warm up the body and relax the muscles, making this an ideal time for some gentle physical exercises. 


Mindful breathing or meditation reduces stress and calms your mind.[1]


Stretching right after your sauna releases tension and promotes flexibility. Do gentle stretches targeting key muscle groups. For instance, a hamstring stretch: sit, extend your legs, and reach towards your toes.


Yoga promotes relaxation, strength, and flexibility, especially now your muscles are warm. Try poses like child's, downward-facing dog, or cat-cow. These positions further destress and help build up your body’s flexibility. 


Tai Chi

Tai Chi’s slow movements improve balance and agility, and its meditative aspect evokes a sense of mental and physical tranquility.

Isometric Exercises

Isometric exercises are ideal for building muscle strength. Try holding a squat or plank after your sauna. Here you find some straightforward examples, for during and after you sauna session.

a walk

A light walk, particularly in nature, refreshes and stimulates [2]. It's a gentle way to cool down while keeping the blood flow active from the sauna.


If you have a garden, light gardening can be a nice way to enjoy the outdoors and stay in a relaxed state.

Your next round in the infrared sauna awaits. Perhaps you have found some inspiration here for what to do after a sauna session. What ritual will you try first? Will it be the nourishing skin care ritual, aromatherapy or the tranquil exercises?

Share your experiences, insights, and favorite post-sauna rituals with us and with other users. Make the most of that golden sauna glow!


Diane Sargent


1. Crystal Hoshaw, What is Mindfulness? A Simple Practice for Greater Well-being, Healthline, https://www.healthline.com/health/mind-body/what-is-mindfulness

2. Harvard Medical School, 5 surprising benefits of walking, Harvard Health Publishing, https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/5-surprising-benefits-of-walking

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