What Is PEMF Mat Therapy?

PEMF Mat Therapy

In recent years there has been a notable increase in the online availability of Infrared PEMF mats. PEMF stands for "pulsed electromagnetic field". If the many anecdotal success stories are anything to go by, this pulsed technology holds the promise of supporting a healthier life.

But what is PEMF therapy exactly? Is it a marketing hype or is there sound science behind it? In this article we share our findings from our research into the effects of PEMF on our body and science behind this therapy.

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The basics of PEMF therapy

PEMF therapy uses electromagnetic fields tuned to frequencies that match our body's cellular frequencies. This attunement supports and promotes our body's natural healing processes. 

This works as follows: Our body is naturally electromagnetic. Every cell and every organ functions optimally within specific frequency ranges. For example, brain waves can range from 0.5 Hz during deep sleep to 30 Hz during intense focus. The heart rhythm also works within its own frequency range.

PEMF therapy thus uses a broad spectrum of frequencies, each selected to resonate with the body's natural rhythms for specific therapeutic results.

For more detailed information about the technology, check out our PEMF Tech page


Low Frequencies: The Foundation of Relaxation and Healing

  • 0.5 to 3 Hz: Frequencies in this range are often associated with deep restorative sleep (Delta brainwaves) [1]. Utilizing these frequencies, PEMF therapy can help promote profound relaxation, reduce stress levels, and enhance the quality of sleep. This is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from sleep disorders or those looking to improve their sleep hygiene for better overall health. [2]
  • 4 to 7 Hz: Corresponding to Theta brainwaves, frequencies within this range are linked to meditation, intuition, and memory [3]. By mimicking these frequencies, PEMF therapy can aid in relaxation and mental clarity, making it a useful tool for stress management and cognitive enhancement.

Mid-Range Frequencies: Bridging Relaxation and Activation

  • 8 to 14 Hz: This range aligns with Alpha brain waves, a state of wakeful relaxation [4]. PEMF therapy employing these frequencies can help individuals achieve a calm yet alert state, ideal for activities requiring focused attention without stress.


Higher Frequencies: Energizing and Stimulating

  • 15 to 30 Hz: Frequencies in this bracket are associated with Beta brainwaves [5], which dominate our normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards cognitive tasks and the outside world. PEMF therapy using these higher frequencies can stimulate mental acuity, improve focus, and increase energy levels, supporting activities that require concentration and alertness.
  • 30 Hz and above: Tapping into Gamma brainwave [6] frequencies, PEMF therapy at these levels is thought to contribute to enhanced perception, problem-solving, and cognitive functioning. While research into the effects of Gamma frequencies is ongoing, preliminary studies [7] suggest potential benefits in memory recall and sensory processing.

Biological effects

PEMF therapy is like a gentle body massage at the cellular level.

It starts with tiny electromagnetic pulses that 'wake up' your cells, making them more active. Imagine tapping a domino to start a chain reaction; that's what these pulses do inside your body.

First, the cells open up a bit, allowing important nutrients (like calcium) to enter. This is crucial because it's the signal for the cells to start their repair work.

Then, the cells create a substance called nitric oxide, which acts like a messenger, telling other parts of the body to get ready for healing.

The big message here is all about relaxation and improving blood flow. This helps your body in the long run, setting things up for repairing and healing any damaged areas.

Over time, the body works on fixing tissues, reducing pain, and making you feel better overall.

It's like the cells are coordinating a big clean-up and repair project, making everything work better, from reducing swelling to fixing damaged tissues


PEMF Therapy benefits

Pain Relief

PEMF therapy helps relieve pain by initiating cellular activities that reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.

Inflammation Reduction

Cellular responses reduce inflammation. This can result in less swelling and tenderness.

Improved Circulation

By stimulating nitric oxide production and promoting the formation of new blood vessels, PEMF therapy improves blood flow to affected areas. This improved circulation facilitates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, further supporting healing and tissue repair.

Muscle Relaxation

PEMF therapy helps relax muscles and relieve muscle tension, making it beneficial to people dealing with muscle spasms, stiffness, or discomfort due to overuse or injury.

Stress Reduction

Many users experience a feeling of relaxation and decreased stress during and after PEMF therapy sessions.

Improved Sleep

The relaxation-inducing effects of PEMF therapy, combined with its potential to relieve pain and discomfort, can contribute to better sleep quality.

Enhanced Immune Function

PEMF therapy may support immune function by optimizing cellular communication and enhancing the body's ability to respond to pathogens and foreign invaders. 


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Pemf therapy in medicine

Over the last twenty years, PEMF therapy has been increasingly used in medical science as a non-invasive tool for wound healing and various conditions such as bone fractures and arthritis. Recent research [8] has provided more insight into the therapeutic effects of this therapy on our body.

PEMF's Diverse Medical Applications

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is particularly known for its role in wound healing. But today the application of this versatile therapy goes beyond traditional medical practices. It is used in physiotherapy, orthopedics, osteopathy and even sports medicine.

Research has shown its effectiveness in significantly relieving pain from conditions such as fractures, arthritis, and both acute and chronic forms of inflammation.

In recent years, PEMF's potential as an adjunctive treatment for complex diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and even cancer has emerged, demonstrating its broad spectrum of applications. 

Furthermore, the researchers suggested that PEMF therapy is in general safe, without known adverse effects, and a promising addition to current conventional treatment modalities.


Recent Studies on PEMF Therapy

Extensive research is being conducted into the effects of PEMF therapy on people in various medical fields. We would like to share the following recent insights.

PEMF Therapy in Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review

A 2020 meta-analysis [9] examined ten years of research on the use of PEMF therapy in relieving both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain in humans. The findings are clear: 

Low-intensity, low-frequency PEMFs (1 Hz to 100 Hz) are not only popular but effective in relieving musculoskeletal pain, providing a method of pain relief that is both safe and free of side effects. 

The researchers concluded that PEMF therapy is an excellent addition to traditional rehabilitation practices for people suffering from chronic or acute musculoskeletal pain. 

However, the review also points to the need for more uniform research protocols to fully utilize the therapeutic potential of electromagnetic fields.


PEMF Therapy's Impact on Fibromyalgia: A Controlled Pilot Study

In a recent study (2022), researchers delved into the potential of PEMF therapy to alleviate the persistent and often debilitating pain associated with fibromyalgia [10].

The study involved 21 women diagnosed with fibromyalgia. They were divided into two groups: one received the actual PEMF treatment, while the other received a placebo, which mimicked the treatment without any therapeutic effect.

These participants' progress was monitored through three checkpoints: at the beginning, after four weeks, and at the end of eight weeks.

The findings were promising. Those who underwent the real PEMF therapy reported a notable decrease in their pain levels. Specifically, they experienced a significant reduction in widespread pain, symptom severity, and the intensity of their pain.

PEMF Therapy: Reducing Blood Pressure and Improving Vascular Health

This 2020 study examined how PEMF therapy could affect blood pressure and vascular health in people with high blood pressure. The therapy was for 12 weeks on 30 participants. They were divided into two groups: one received PEMF therapy and the other served as a control group that received no treatment.

The findings were promising. Those who underwent PEMF therapy saw significant improvements in their vascular function, which is an important indicator of cardiovascular health. Furthermore, their blood pressure levels showed notable reductions compared to the control group. 

Interestingly, there was no significant change in the levels of nitric oxide, a molecule that plays a crucial role in vascular health, suggesting that the beneficial effects of PEMF are mediated in a different way. [11]


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PEMF Therapy's Impact on Osteoarthritis

In a comprehensive 2020 systematic research study and meta-analysis, researchers examined the efficacy of PEMF therapy as a treatment for osteoarthritis (OA). The research revealed some remarkable findings.

First of all, PEMF therapy had a significant positive effect on relieving pain. Additionally, improvements were observed in reducing stiffness and improving physical function. Although the effects on quality of life showed a promising trend, the results were not decisively significant, indicating that further research in this area is needed.

The findings from these studies highlight the versatile therapeutic potential of PEMF therapy for various health conditions. While the results are indeed promising, they also highlight the need for further research to unravel the underlying mechanisms, optimize treatment protocols and confirm long-term benefits. [12]

Applications of Home PEMF Therapy

Recent years PEMF therapy has become increasingly accessible with body-length mats for home use,  pads, and other devices, providing an easy way for people to experience its benefits outside of clinical settings. Here's how you can apply the therapy at home:


HealthyLine PEMF Mat Jet Series

 Infrared PEMF Mats

Mats that combine the benefits of PEMF therapy with infrared heat, creating a double therapeutic effect. The infrared heat helps relax your muscles and improve circulation, while the PEMF therapy can aid in cellular repair and pain relief. 

They are available in different sizes: from full body size (even two-person sizes), smaller half body mats, and even smaller ones, as big as seat of chair, which are easier to place on a chair or a small sofa. This article discusses these mats for home use in more detail.


Similar to the mats, portable, smaller and flexible, PEMF pads can be wrapped around different body parts, making them ideal for targeting specific areas of pain or injury. To be used while sitting or lying in a position that is comfortable for you.


Bon Charge PEMF Wrap

PEMF bed systems

For those seeking an all-encompassing solution, entire bed systems equipped with PEMF technology are available, designed to provide a full-body PEMF therapy experience during sleep or rest.

The duration of PEMF treatment is tailored to needs

PEMF therapy treatment can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 8 hours per day, depending on the type of injury you have and the PEMF device you use.

However, it is possible to apply PEMF therapy continuously, even for 24 hours at a time, until you notice a reduction or complete cessation of inflammatory symptoms.

These symptoms include things like swelling, redness, heat, pain, and loss of function. Pain reduction can begin as soon as the device is turned on and the first cycle begins.

When PEMF therapy is combined with other treatments, such as infrared, this time may be different. It is important that you follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

In fact, each therapy has its own set of parameters and potential effects on the body, and the combination can change the optimal duration and intensity of use.


HealthyLine Platinum PEMF Mat Series

Considerations for Home PEMF Therapy

The convenience of PEMF therapy at home allows for regular, consistent use, which can be beneficial for chronic conditions, injury recovery, or general well-being. Although PEMF therapy is generally considered safe for home use, it's crucial to approach this therapy with an informed perspective.

Here are some key safety considerations, potential contraindications, and general guidelines to ensure a safe and effective PEMF therapy experience at home:

Consult Healthcare Providers: Consult a healthcare provider before starting PEMF therapy. Especially if you have existing health problems, are undergoing medical treatment, are taking medications or are pregnant.

When to avoid: We recommend that people with pacemakers, defibrillators, or other electronic implanted devices avoid PEMF therapy.

Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Each PEMF device comes with specific instructions on how to use it, including recommended duration, frequency and intensity settings.

New to PEMF therapy? Start with short sessions and low intensity to see how your body responds. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of therapy as you feel more comfortable and depending on your needs.

Listen to Your Body: If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, reduce intensity or duration, or discontinue use and consult your doctor.

Regular Maintenance: Good maintenance contributes to the safety and operation of your device. In addition to cleaning, this also means regular checks for signs of wear or damage to prevent possible safety risks.

Educate Yourself: Understanding the science behind PEMF and how it works with your body can help you maximize its benefits.

The science behind PEMF therapy is just as promising as the anecdotal success stories. The therapy offers a complementary approach to traditional treatments, especially when it comes to relieving pain.

Intrigued by the science and application of PEMF therapy? Our platform provides more information about the application of PEMF in infrared PEMF mats and pads.


Sam Everhart


1. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Delta Brainwaves, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_wave

2. Jiwu Liao et al., Efficacy and Safety of Pulse Magnetic Therapy System in Insomnia Disorder: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Psychiatry Investigation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10307909/

3. Magda Havas and Sheena Symington, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (Seqex, Theta) Promotes Well-being as assessed by Heart Rate Variability: A Pilot Study, European Society of Medicine,  https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/3208

4. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Alpha Waves, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_wave

5. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Beta Waves,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_wave

6. Jennifer Larson, What To Know About Gamma Brain Waves? Healthline, https://www.healthline.com/health/gamma-brain-waves

7. Diane Chan et a;., Gamma frequency sensory stimulation in mild probable Alzheimer's dementia patients: Results of feasibility and pilot studies, PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36454969/

8. Luigi Cristiano and Tiziano Pratellesi, Mechanisms of Action And Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) in Medicine, ResearchGate, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346945355

9. Teresa Paolucci et al., Electromagnetic Field Therapy: A Rehabilitative Perspective in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain - A Systematic Review, PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32606905/

10. Massimo Giovale et al., Low-energy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Pain in Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Single-blind Controlled Pilot Study, PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36465321/

11. Glenn M Stewart et al., Impact of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on vascular function and blood pressure in hypertensive individuals, PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32401418/

12. Xiaotian Yang et al., Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Pain, Stiffness, Physical Function, and Quality of Life in Patients With Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials, PubMed,  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32251502/

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