Near, Far Or Full Spectrum Infrared - Which Therapy Is The Best?

near far full spectrum infrared

The answer to this question depends on what specifically you're using the infrared sauna for. There are different types of infrared saunas, and each has its own unique technology, action, and benefits for your health and wellbeing. So... let's have a closer look at how the 3 infrared sauna types currently available differ, and what these distinctions mean for their usage.

Infrared saunas garner attention for their health and relaxation benefits. Unlike traditional saunas, which heat the air around you, infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit radiant heat absorbed directly by the skin. 

This guide will dissect the various infrared sauna options— far, near and full spectrum—and offer insight into choosing the best fit for your wellness routine. 

Far Infrared Saunas

Far infrared saunas harness the spectrum's deeper wavelengths (3-12 microns), closely mirroring the body's own frequencies to penetrate tissues profoundly.

This deep heating is facilitated by state-of-the-art carbon or ceramic heaters, known for their efficient and even heat distribution. These heaters intensify the sauna experience, aiding in detoxification, improving circulation, and supporting weight loss efforts.

The warmth provided by far infrared saunas soothes muscles, alleviates joint pain, and encourages deep relaxation. These saunas come in various forms, from traditional cabins to portable options, ensuring a tailored approach to wellness that resonates at a cellular level.


Near Infrared Saunas

Near infrared saunas utilize specialized heaters, such as LED panels or heat lamps, to emit a spectrum of light that gently warms the skin's surface. This targeted approach, operating within the  0.7 microns to 1.3 microns range, focuses on enhancing skin health and aiding muscle recovery without the intense heat found in far infrared saunas.

These saunas are celebrated for their ability to improve skin tone, elasticity, and overall health by stimulating collagen production, speeding up the healing of minor injuries.

Their compact design enables easy integration into various settings, allowing for personalized sauna sessions anywhere, from a corner of your home to a temporary setup in a shower. This flexibility makes near infrared technology a convenient choice for targeted health benefits without the spatial commitment of traditional sauna cabin.

Full Spectrum Saunas

Full spectrum saunas blend NIR to FIR wavelengths, creating a holistic wellness symphony for everything from skin rejuvenation to deep relaxation and detoxification.

This advanced technology orchestrates a layered healing experience, where each infrared wavelength plays a unique role in enhancing overall health. Users can customize their sessions to target specific wellness objectives, offering a personalized spa-like experience right at home.

Whether aiming to energize, recover, or unwind, these saunas adapt to meet diverse health and relaxation needs.

Full spectrum saunas, exclusively in cabin design, offer a personal wellness retreat. This spacious sanctuary allows for a deeply immersive experience, where the therapeutic infrared wavelengths can fully envelop and rejuvenate you in the comfort of your own space.


Comparative Analysis

When choosing between sauna types, it is important to consider your primary health objectives:

  • For those seeking detoxification, improved circulation, and deep muscle relaxation, far infrared saunas may be most beneficial.
  • If skin health, promoting collagen production, and aiding in muscle stiffness are your priorities, near infrared saunas would be appropriate.
  • For a holistic approach to health and wellness, full spectrum saunas offer the broadest range of benefits.

Feature/Benefit Analysis Table

Feature Near Infrared Sauna Far Infrared Sauna Full Spectrum Sauna
Wavelength Range 0.7-1.3 microns 3-12 microns Combines NIR to FIR wavelengths
Heat Source Often carbon or ceramic heaters LED panels or heat lamps Combination of heaters to cover full spectrum
Heat Experience Deep, gentle warmth that permeates muscles and tissues Mild, surface-level warmth, focusing on the skin and outer body layers Customizable warmth ranging from mid to deep, tailored to personal wellness needs
Key Benefit Enhances detoxification, improves circulation, supports weight loss, soothes muscles, alleviates joint pain Improves skin tone, elasticity, stimulates collagen production, aids muscle stiffness Comprehensive wellness benefits: customizable for specific health objectives, from skin rejuvenation to deep relaxation
Flexibility/Design Traditional cabins to portable options Compact easy integration in various settings Primarily cabin designs for immersive experience

Choosing the Right Sauna

When selecting a home infrared sauna, consider your personal health goals, any pre-existing conditions, and consult with a healthcare provider. It's also crucial to research the manufacturer's credibility, product safety, and customer reviews.

For Further Reading

To learn more about the science behind infrared saunas and their health benefits, you might find these scientific articles of interest: 'Far infrared radiation (FIR): Its biological effects and medical applications' [1] and 'How Does Infrared Therapy Work?' [2

In conclusion, whether your aim is relaxation, improved skin health, muscle recovery, or a comprehensive health boost, there's an infrared sauna tailored to your needs. By understanding the distinctive features and benefits of each type, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your personal health goals.

The best choice is the one that fits your specific needs and preferences.


Sam Everhart


1. Fatma Vatansever and Michael R. Hamblin, Far infrared radiation (FIR): Its biological effects and medical applications, De Gruyter,

2. Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, How Does Infrared Therapy Work? News Medical Life Sciences,

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